Apply for Security Officer (Armed or Unarmed)

Please fill out the form below and click Submit to submit your application for consideration. Fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

Title:Security Officer (Armed or Unarmed)
Broward:Miami Dade and Broward Counties
Supported formats: Word, PDF, RTF, Text, and HTML.
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Contact Information
* First Name:
* Middle Name:
* Last Name:
* Address 1:
Address 2:
* City:
* State:
* Zip:
* Last 4 digits of SSN:
Home Number:
* Cell Phone:
Work Number:
* Email:
Application for Employment
All applicants/or security guard positions must be in possession of a valid "D" unarmed, or "G" armed security license pursuant to Florida Statutes.
We consider Applicants for all positions without regard to Race, Color, Religion, Sex, National Origin, Age, Disability, Marital Stauts, Sexual Orientation, Veteran Status, Citizenship Status, or any other Legally Protected Status. Any false statements, ommisions, or misleading information provided in this application will be sufficient basis for disqualification for employment or termination of services, resulting in the loss of all accumulated benefits.
Yes   No
Yes   No
Yes   No
Yes   No
What foreign languages do you speak fluently other than English?
Yes   No
Yes   No
Yes   No
Yes   No
Yes   No
Yes   No
Yes   No
Yes   No
Yes   No
Yes   No
Yes   No
A felony or misdemeanor conviction does not automatically mean you will not be hired. Please provide all details so that an informed decision can be made.
Newspaper   Post card   Web site   Yellow pages   Friend   Walk-in   Other
Proof of education may be required prior to employment.

High School

Yes   No

University or College

Yes   No

Business or Tech. School

Yes   No
Proof of training may be required prior to employment.
List 2 persons who have known you at least two years (No relatives or former employers).
Start with most recent employment (include part-time employment).

Current or Most Recent Employer

Yes   No

Previous Employer

Yes   No

Next Previous Employer

Yes   No

Account for all dates of Inactivity In your employment history.
Yes   No
1. I understand that any information that is provided by me that is found to be false, incomplete, or misrepresented in any way, will be sufficient cause to (i) cancel further consideration of this application; (ii) immediate discharge me from the employer's service whenever it is discovered.
2. I certify that my answers to the questions contained in this application and related pre-employment or employment documents are complete, true, and correct to the best ofmy knowledge and belief. I understand I am required to provide the Company with complete and correct information regarding my former employers. If the above information is not provided, I will not be considered for employment.
3. I understand that if l am hired, I will be required to provide proof of identity and legal authority to work in the United States and that federai immigration iaws require me to compiete an i-9 form in this regard.
4. I give the Company permission to communicate with all or any of my previous employers for references. I authorize all past employers and the references listed on my application form to give the Company any and all information concerning my previous employment and qualifications and any pertinent information they may have, personal or otherwise, and release all parties from any liability which may result from furnishing this information to the Company.
5. I authorize the Company to procure an investigative consumer report on me. I understand that such report may contain information about my character, general reputation, personal characteristics, and mode of living. I understand I have the right to make a written request within a reasonable time for a complete and accurate disclosure of information regarding the nature and scope (not the results) of the investigative consumer report. I release all parties from any liability which may result from the Company obtaining this report.
6. If hired, I agree to comply with all rules, regulations shown in manuals, instructions, and other communications to employees.
7. I understand that if hired, I would be free to leave the Company's employment at any time, with or without notice, and for any reason. I also understand that my employment with the Company can be terminated at any time, with or without cause, by the Company. I further understand that this application is not an offer of employment contract for a definite term or duration.
I also understand that the first ninety (90) calendar days of employment is a probationary period. If my performance is deemed satisfactory, I will become a regular employee, subject to the employment-at-will doctrine.
Incident Report
This sample report will be utilized to assess your ability to generate a Security Incident Report in the field.
Additional Qualifications
* Are you bilingual in English and Spanish?
* Are you a Military Veteran or currently in the Reserves or National Guard?
* Are you former law enforcement or graduated from a law enforcement academy? (Law Enforcement is defined as Police, Corrections, or Probation)
* Do you have at least 1 year of Full Time Unarmed Security experience?
* Do you have at least 1 year of Full Time Armed Security experience?
* Do you have an Associates Degree or at least 60 college credits?

I agree that this form may be electronically signed and agree that my typed signature is the same as a handwritten signature for the purposes of validity, enforceability, and admissibility.
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